Living Independently with Support from The Arc

Brian recently celebrated moving into his own apartment after living 8 years with Judith, his Adult Foster Care (AFC) caregiver. Judith and her family are much more than just a foster family; they were Brian’s family for almost his entire life. When Brian joined the AFC program in 2011, The Arc began a journey to assist Judith in providing a supportive environment for Brian. The goal - help Brian live as independently as possible throughout his young adulthood.

Like many caregivers, Judith taught Brian the skills needed to live independently. These skills included learning to complete everyday chores, budgeting, and developing healthy relationships. With support from The Arc, Judith was able to help Brian develop the confidence to live on his own while remaining open to accept help where needed.

With his new independence, Brian is now part of The Arc’s Individualized In-Home Supports Program (IIHS). IIHS supports individuals with disabilities based on their unique abilities and interests. IIHS encourages individuals to take on as much responsibility as possible while creating a safe living environment for themselves. IIHS also assists with integration into the community, which Brian is continuing to achieve.

In a recent discussion with Brian regarding his new living situation, he talked about his many visits to local cafes, navigating public transportation for appointments and work, and meeting his new neighbors in his apartment building.

Brian and Judith closed the chapter to celebrate the success of the AFC program. The Arc continues to support him in another way to help him live independently. Brian’s journey is a wonderful example of the success AFC offers in developing the life skills needed to live independently.

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