The Way of The Arc Champion for May 2021 is Alesia Cleary, Person Centered Plan Manager, CBDES

We all love money, and when it comes to group employment, none of the participants are volunteers! Individuals depend on our support to earn a paycheck, and when they do, they often celebrate by showing off their pay stubs in my office. It is during those moments that I am reminded why I am so thankful that Alesia Cleary is a member of our CBDES team. With the staffing crisis still impacting programs across the state, Alesia Goes The Extra Mile to Do What's Right By The Clients and ensure that they make it to work every single day, no matter what.

We may be short-staffed, we may be running around, and we may be rearranging the entire day, but Alesia always puts the clients and their employment needs first in her mind. She has spent a significant number of days in ratio, working alongside our folks at the worksites in the community. She may come back tired, but she never complains, and you would never notice! Leading by Example comes naturally to her, as she just jumps right in without hesitation. When not working the site, she took several hours per day to transport the second half of the crew to Biotechne when transportation guidance limited the capacity within vans. This lasted for several months and drastically impacted her days, but she kept it up because she knew how important employment was to the individuals. It is her stamina and vigor that keeps the CBDES team rolling and supporting individuals in employment through one of the toughest times for staffing that the state of Massachusetts has ever seen!

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