The Way of The Arc Champion for January 2018 is Beth Pasceri!

During the 2017 holidays, an individual at one of our Worcester homes became very ill and was looking at a long and slow recovery. Our team and family decided he should stay home from day program for some time and work on getting healthier. Beth was asked if she could take on morning shifts to help take care of the individual. Beth was given one task- to work on getting this individual healthy again. It was a team effort by the home's staff, but Beth especially, because she worked 1:1 with him. We saw firsthand this was more than just a job to our team and that they genuinely cared about this individual.

By the end of January, this individual had gained his weight back, he was livelier, and, to our surprise, he was walking again without assistance. With Beth’s relentless daily efforts, this individual has drastically improved his mobility/balance and overall physical health. His guardian knew of his brother’s progress but was taken aback when he witnessed his brother walk from one end of the house to the other in early February, he was left speechless with tears of joy filling his face.

Beth not only accomplished her goal and did her job, she impacted the lives of this individual and his family on an unexplainable level. We are proud to say the individual continues to get stronger every day and that Beth has gone from being a relief staff to becoming a full-time DSP.

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