A Fresh Start Amidst COVID-19

Moving into a new home with new housemates can be both exciting and anxiety producing. Add to those feelings, the complexity of moving during a pandemic. Sharon was determined to move into her new home knowing that the move presented new opportunities and new challenges.

Sharon, age 56, had never lived in a group home setting and suspected that this transition might be difficult for her. The Arc worked with Sharon to create a personalized plan to support her through the transition and help her acclimate to her home and housemates. This plan identified The Arc’s residential team as Sharon’s positive support champions. The champions would help by providing structure, stability, and empathy in response to any challenges. The goals were to help Sharon feel the new house was her home, to help her make connections with her housemates, and to explore activities that she loves. An additional goal is to build new connections and relationships in her new community, which is something she looks forward to doing once it is safe to do so as the state reopens with its COVID plan.

Since Sharon's move, she has established her own routines. She enjoys a hot cup of coffee in the morning, sitting outside on the back porch watching the wildlife, making crafts, and spending time in the yard gazing at flowers while listening to birds. These activities have also motivated Sharon to create new bonds with her housemates. Sharon has created healthy habits and describes herself as happier than ever. She values having her voice heard and being able to make informed choices.

“I appreciate the staff and their efforts that made me feel safe in my new home,” says Sharon. Sharon is proud of herself for her recent success in discovering happiness at Ashburnham Street. She overcame her anxiety and the difficulties of the transition to build a new life for herself. The Arc of Opportunity shares Sharon’s joy as she writes the new story of her life and looks forward to being part of her future chapters.

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